The Multilink Consortium
The Multilink Consortium is a UK National Institute for Health & Care Research, (NIHR) which is a funded programme administered through Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, (LSTM), along with with five partner organisations.
The clinical trial is being conducted in both Malawi and Tanzania and seeks to design and test a system which identifies patients suffering from multiple chronic diseases, (Multimorbidity), when they seek emergency care in sub-Saharan African hospitals.
The overall aim is to improve early disease treatment, ensuring better follow up to prevent complications, disability and hospital readmission. Thus, improving health related quality of life and survival rates.
The research is funded until August 2025 by the National Institute for Health & Care, (NIHR).

Multimorbidity is increasing in sub-Saharan Africa due to high burdens of infectious disease, such as HIV and rising rates of non-communicable diseases, such as hypertension and diabetes.
The prevalence of Multimorbidity increases as people live longer and can be worsened by HIV and the drugs required to treat it.
Patients frequently delay seeking help until they are severely ill, affecting the poorest people most. This means that emergency departments are key to healthcare delivery and may be targeted to identify sufferers and link them to the most appropriate primary care services for ongoing treatment.
The team will define how Multimorbidity differs from high income countries so that the intervention is locally relevant. The team will then run a clinical trial across both countries.
The leadership team includes, Charity Salima, who are a community group leader, ensuring that patients’ voices are driving the research agenda.

News Articles & Events
NIHR site visit to MUHAS
NIHR’s aim of the visit was to meet the local teams, understand the progress of the research, discuss the projects successes and impacts to date, provide experience and explore how NIHR may offer further support going forward.Muhimbili University of Health and Allied...
Multilink MLW 2024 End of Year Message
As we officially close for the festive season on 24th December, I hope this message finds you well.This is also an opportunity to reflect on the year that 2024 has been. Looking back, it is remarkable to see the milestones we have achieved in advancing our goal to...
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine’s 125th Anniversary Scientific Symposium
Event: Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine's 125th Anniversary Scientific Symposium Date: 25–27 November 2024 Location: Liverpool, United Kingdom Presentation Title: Pilot Implementation of Intermittent Preventive Treatment with Dihydroartemisinic-Piperaquine for...
LSTM News & Events
Contact Information
Multilink Project
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Pembroke Place
L3 5QA