

The Multilink Consortium has produced an organogram to show how the project will be managed and governed internally and externally.


Trial Steering Committee 

The Multilink Project has established an external trial steering committee who will meet regularly throughout the project.

The committee is expected to provide advice and support in all aspects of the project; oversee the project progression and adherence to the protocol and patient safety; ensure ethical or other approvals are compliant and agree any proposals for substantial protocol amendments.

The committee members are;

Rashida Ferrand

Rashida Ferrand

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, LSHTM.

Chair of Trial Steering Group.

Jane Goudge

Jane Goudge

Wits School of Public Health

Dr. Ranjeeta Thomas

Dr. Ranjeeta Thomas

London School of Economics

Kathy Rowan

Kathy Rowan

Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre, ICNARC
